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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Look Like A Duck


             If you look like a duck, walk like a duck and
                          talk like a duck - guess what!
                                     You are a duck!

           This is an old saying that holds true. PTF the people you hang around with, say something about you. Ask yourself a simple question and be honest, are the people you're  hanging around with at school a good influences, or a bad influence? If you hang around with people that lie, steal, and say bad words
chances are you are going to the say and do what they do. It’s true! How many times have lied, or caught yourself almost saying a bad word because you learned it from you friends. Or have you gotten into trouble at school because of something your fiends did or said.
          Bad company, brings bad news.  Even if you don’t do the things your friends do, it is not healthy for you, not to mention your spiritual life. Think about this, one bad fruit can contaminate a bowl of good fruit.

                   Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." (1 Cor 15:33)