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Monday, January 21, 2013

New Years

     Are you keeping up with your New Year's resolution? When we set goals for ourselves let’s not forget about them,  we can’t just sweep them under the carpet and act like we never made them.  If we do that  we are just defeating the purpose. Why go out of our way to make them, if we are not going to apply them?

     PTF,  If you haven’t made a New Years resolution it’s not to late to start now. If  you have made a resolution make sure your don’t forget it .  Praying more, not lying, not fighting, and being a better person are some of the many resolution you can make right now. Let’s keep the promises we have made, so we can reap the rewards of our good deeds.

Remember, keeping your promises will not be easy, but that’s why the rewards are so great. Be that person who makes a difference by completing promises you make to yourself and not be that person who just talks  about them.

Matthew 5:6  
 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”