PTF Advantures

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Path

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to 
destruction, and many enter through it. " ( Matthew 7:13)

       PTF, don’t expect to visually see a highway that say’s this way leads to death and this way takes you to God. The world has nothing good to offer but pain an illusion. Let me tell you the truth of what to expect in this world. You will be tempted, there will be times where you feel the pressures of life because you will have many responsibilities. Responsibilities that pile up on you as you get older. Evil will try to deceive you by painting the world pretty, hoping that you will fall for it.

      If you are stealing, lying, living with hate, cursing, fighting, or doing things that displease God  then you are on the fast track to destruction. This is the wide gate that most people in this world are going through, but why? The reality is that it is easy to do things that are wrong. The narrow gate is a road of honor, self-respect, humbleness, integrity, faith, sacrifice, and a thirst to save souls. PTF, let us not take the easy road to destruction. Let’s take the road to Jesus. You decided the path you are taking, not your mom or dad.  The path to destruction, or the path to Jesus. It is your choice.