PTF Advantures

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is a prayer of faith?
It has nothing to do with shouting out meaningless words.
Nor does it have to do with beautiful words, vain repetitions, eloquence or posture.
Because it is a sublime act, the prayer of faith requires a pure spirit and humbleness.
It requires a sincere expression of what is hidden deep down in your soul.
Total and complete transparency.
It requires faith, an absolute conviction.
A certainty that you were heard; a certainty of what you want.
"...for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11.6
When you lead a righteous life, you can easily demand that the Just Judge fulfills His promises.
Especially, since your faith gets a boost when you present Him with fair evidence.
The Lord God knows this.
Even if all of hell comes together to interrupt your answer, it would be in vain.
Say the word, and my servant will be healed - said to the Roman officer to Jesus.
One single word, sent from the Throne of God, is enough.
Imagine more than eight thousand promises!
However, we must trust. We must believe. We must obey.
The faithful have duties and responsibilities to the Word of God.
But they also have the right and privilege of His promises.
Therefore, they present their case through a sincere prayer.
From the justified by faith to the Just Judge: a prayer.
From the Just Judge to the obedient believer: the answer.
Bishop Edir Macedo

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

End the cycle.

It's important that if you are being bullied that you stand up and report it to someone in authority, and if you witness it as well. Remember that when we see someone doing wrong and we ignore it, it's just as bad as if it we were doing it ourselves, we become an accomplice to their bad behavior.

If you are the one being bullied I want you to take a moment and read these verses...

The Bible says;

"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary:"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:17-21 NIV)

It might be hard to understand or to even go through with what the Bible is asking us to do here, but it is the only way to break the cycle of bullying. Think with me, if someone bullies you and you repay them and others the same way, and those you bullied pay it forward as well, then when will it end? Never. But if you decide to report this behavior, and repay the person who bullied you with good, then you end the cycle. You become the better person.

Plus if you take revenge into your own hands, then you're saying to God, that you've got it covered and you don't need His help, and I don't know about you but I sure need God, He's waayyy stronger than I am! And you?

So next time you see yourself in a situation where someone is trying to bully you, report it and repay that person with kind words and action, and you and everyone around you will see the difference.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

What is bullying?

Bullying can be done in several ways, it's important that you are aware of them because maybe you aren't even aware that you are bullying others or being a victim of this kind of treatment.

Bullying can be...

Verbal: name-calling, teasing
Social:spreading rumors, leaving people out on purpose, breaking up friendships 
Physical: hitting, punching, shoving
Cyberbullying: using the Internet, mobile phones or other digital technologies to harm others

Remember we are here to help you, if you are being treated this way or are being part of bullying others and you don't know how to stop, talk to us. 


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bad company

As we begin to get ready for our conference in a few weeks I want to talk to all of you about bullying for the next few posts.

The Bible says : Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV)

This verse is pretty clear, who we hang out with influences who we become and what we do. If you have friends who bully others, even if you don't participate, automatically everyone will think of you just as they think of them. And sooner or later you will be following in their footsteps, because their behavior will affect you.

Be careful. Choose your friends wisely, they reflect you and what you stand for.

This kind of behavior needs to be reported whether it be to your teachers at school, your parents at home or your leaders at church. Don't allow bad friends to corrupt your good character, stand up for what's right.


Friday, March 9, 2012

For us, girls!

 It can be hard transitioning into a teen. Before your mom picked out your clothes and well now maybe she's begun to give you more freedom, you get to choose what you wear on the weekends, and on Sunday morning to church. So it's important as future women of God, which I am sure that all of you desire to become one day, that you take into consideration the way you dress.

Did you know that back in the day, girl's never used to wear pants?! That's right they were usually just meant for boys, girls only wore dresses!

When you are choosing what to wear it's important you keep in mind that your clothes represent you, what message do you want to send? Having your own sense of style is great, because it represent you and what's inside, so just because everyone else is doing it or wearing it, should we follow the crowd?

Absolutely not! What's so amazing about us girls, is that we have so much to choose from we can wear dresses, skirts, pants, shorts, we aren't limited like boys are with just simple pants and a shirt. Take advantage of this, there is nothing prettier than a girl in a dress or skirt, don't be afraid to show your feminine side too, it's beautiful!

I'll be posting more on how to choose what to wear and some friendly girly tips! Share with us if you have a hard time choosing what to wear, we want to help you!

This week take some time and reflect on how you've been dressing, and what message you are sending to others around you, is it the one you want it to?


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pre-teens and dating

Now a days, dating has become a thing of the past for some teens, since now the style, for the majority is to “hook-up”, which means to “spend time with someone”, without any type of commitment towards them. Many teens have taken in this new way of life. Before there just existed dating, which is a serious relationship where teens would commit to a union and where there was respect and fidelity to just one partner.

Apparently, “hooking-up” is a “cool” relationship, nobody is committed to anyone, and teens can go out have a good time, kiss anyone they want, because in the end there is no real responsibility or commitment to the other person.  But the disadvantages for all teens of both sexes, especially for women, are many. Some of those are how woman are looked upon, not to mention the many sorrows and frustrations this brings to their life. Men also suffer disadvantages in these types of relationships, because other teens begin to criticize him, and he also takes away from is credibility for future relationships. It’s important to remember that God made us in His likeness and image, and because of that both men and woman are not disposable objects. Unfortunately, even young Christian teens are targets of the same pressure and the same game.

“Hooking-up” has nothing to do with dating. Unfortunately, when a teen speaks about “dating” in the true sense of the word, he or she is motive for ridicule and cruel jokes. The main source of this all comes from the media which has distorted the moral values and ethics of our family. Teens suffer from the influence of the means of communication that many times creates an appeal to sensuality and the liberty of sex without limits and without responsibility, making them think that what matters is their enjoyment and pleasures of life. Such behaviors lead to sexual promiscuity, along with its sad consequences.

Some teens that call themselves Christians, at times, begin a relationship without thinking about the biblical principles that should govern their behavior. Unprepared, they easily fall into the traps the devil has prepared for them. The word of God condemns sex before marriage, since it makes it very clear that sexual relationships are a privilege of marriage. We can read several biblical passages that condemn sexual relationships before marriage; Acts 15:29,21:25 ; 1 Corinthians 6:13-18; 2 Corinthians 12:21; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5.

Our relationship with God will also show how we proceed while dating, since God will then be in control of the relationship in every encounter. His eyes, which see everything, will, even in the dark. “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.” Psalm 119:9

Plus dating should be to observe and get to know more about that special person who you are considering as your future possible partner. Obviously dating should be fun, but it should also be serious.

The main point of dating is marriage; but marriage isn’t the end of dating. In reality, dating should continue for the rest of your lives.

Men and women normally choose the person they date based on a physical attraction. Young men want to date women with nice body’s and pretty faces. While women want a strong man with elegant features. Physical attraction doesn’t guarantee that than young man will be a good husband or that a pretty girl a good wife. It isn’t wrong, of course, you should be attracted to that person physically, but what’s inside, an incorruptible spirit that is meek and quiet, that is what truly has value before God (1 Peter 3:4)

So what age is best to date?

We need to analyze, what conditions we are in to be able to date, remembering that it demands commitment. Let’s see together some points.

1- When do you plan on getting married; for many that is in a very far away future, and so it isn’t time to date
2- How do your organize yourself with your personal things; if it’s been difficult to deal with your personal commitments, then it isn’t wise to begin yet another commitment.
3- Are you financially independent; this new moment in your life requires you to be financially stable, to be able to go out, give gifts, etc.
4- How is your relationship with your family; BE CAREFUL a relationship with someone else does not replace the lack of attention from your family.
5- To date just because everyone else is dating; you can’t begin a commitment with some else because of what other people will think, we are talking about the happiness of two people, it’s a big deal.
6- Secretly date; the commitment of dating cannot be a burden, it should be a reason of happiness, and secretly dating is not fun.
7- The Bible shows that two is better than one, but if your relationship is going to bring any of the problems mentioned above than its better to be alone and to remember that there is a time for every
for everything.