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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bad company

As we begin to get ready for our conference in a few weeks I want to talk to all of you about bullying for the next few posts.

The Bible says : Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV)

This verse is pretty clear, who we hang out with influences who we become and what we do. If you have friends who bully others, even if you don't participate, automatically everyone will think of you just as they think of them. And sooner or later you will be following in their footsteps, because their behavior will affect you.

Be careful. Choose your friends wisely, they reflect you and what you stand for.

This kind of behavior needs to be reported whether it be to your teachers at school, your parents at home or your leaders at church. Don't allow bad friends to corrupt your good character, stand up for what's right.


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