PTF Advantures

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Puppy Love

         Have you ever had a dream of one day having a white picked fence with a house on the beach? Most of the young ladies that are reading this article are probably saying ya of
course, while some of you guys are saying no way jose ;) Love is a touchy subject. “Puppy love is an informal term for feelings of love, romance, or infatuation felt by young people during their childhood and even adolescence,”  (Wikipedia) PT Force, pay close attention to this message. Your brains are still developing, there may be days where you might start  having feelings for a classmate or a person you go to church with, some of you may have feelings for multiple people. Your feelings are strong one day and gone the next day.  Every one has felt some sort of puppy love while growing up, there is nothing wrong with you.

          Be careful with your feelings, trust me they go up and down. When is the right time to date? The time is later, because you are still developing mentally and spiritually for the challenges of life. God will give you conformation. PTF, trust God, have patience, because God knows what he is doing.  “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecc 3:1) The moment you rush, and don’t wait for the proper time is the moment you decide that you know better then God. Why are so many people divorced, or suffering today in this area? It's because they couldn't wait.They were not prepared. Many young adults are frustrated and hurt. God wants you to have the white picked fence with a house on the beach, but it’s in his time and not yours. Don’t worry about dating now, it will happen in do time.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes a lot of people confuse when you say I LOVE YOU to them they think it the wrong way even though you ment it simple
