PTF Advantures

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hello PTF, ☺
As you know, each and every one of you is special in God's eyes, but I have a question for you? How many of you really believe that? No, this is not a trick question or a question you have to ask your friends about, think a little. The concept is simple; do you believe you are special? If you have difficulty answering this question you are thinking too much. Be simple, “ The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” Psalm 119:130
            Let me give you an example, if a friend of yours tells you, that some one in your class is talking bad about you, you instantly believe it, right away not question asked, it has to be true because your friend said it. Does your friend have more credibility then God? The truth is, in this world things are backwards. It is easier to believe words that are not true, then words that are true. Don’t fall for to this trap. God loves you, and made you beautiful the way you are. Lets believe in God’s words, other then the words of everyone else. PTF, if you practice this simple concept you will feel better about yourself, and Gods light will shine upon you.

 Lets all stop thinking backwards.

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