PTF Advantures

Saturday, April 14, 2012

White Lies


  Have you ever heard somebody say, it can’t be a lie, because there is some  truth to what I’m saying?  That is called a white lie. A white lie is a mixture of truth with a little lie. What makes a white lie so harmful, is that people don’t think their lying, because of the little truth that is in their lie.
          A lie is a lie, no matter the size of it.  When you lie, you hurt yourself spiritually.  The more you lie the weaker you are with in your fight against evil.  A good example of a lie that went bad was Ananias & Sapphire “You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died.” (5:4-5) I am not telling you that you are going to die if you lie, but I am telling that you are killing yourself spiritually every time you lie.   Telling the truth goes a long way, even if you made a mistake, it would be better to tell the truth and learn from your mistakes then letting lies snow ball into bigger lies. Look at Lies this way, every time you lie you are borrowing money from the bill collector. There will be a moment when he is going to come after you to collect. No matter how well you may be doing, in that moment he doesn't care, he wants what is his. He came to collect. If you don't pay up he will make your life miserable.

           PTF, lying brings sadness, distrust, and worst of all, it displeases God. Let’s embrace truth. Truth brings peace to our hearts. Truth promotes a strong spirit and builds character. Lying only brings spiritual death, so don't tell them.

1 comment:

  1. It is bad to lie, because you can hurt others and yourself.
